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Guide to the Legislative Process 2nd Edition Validation

In carrying out our constitutional and statutory mandate, KLRC has on its own volition undertaken various activities including legislative impact assessments and public education on matters relating to law reform. The development of the Guide to the Legislative Process in Kenya, ‘the Guide’ which provides advice and information has served as a critical resource in the law making process at both levels of government.

Over the years, the Commission has disseminated numerous copies of the Guide to members of the public and the 47 county governments. While we have witnessed its significant uptake, we want it to keep up with the times hence the revision. In the revision, we hope to address and input the lessons learnt and the attendant recommendations from our stakeholders to further enrich the publication.

Throughout the review, our stakeholders have continued to favour us with invaluable proposals which we have faithfully incorporated. We believe that the document strikes a good balance in the arena of policy and law making. STAKEHOLDERS AT THE VALIDATION WORKSHOP
We recognize that this second edition of the Guide is coming at a time when we have changes at both levels of government. The revised edition will therefore be a critical tool in the much needed capacity building in areas of policy making and legislative processes.
We were grateful to host our stakeholders in the validation of the said proposals before final editing and publication.  The Commission will still call upon you our stakeholders to participate joint dissemination and sensitization fora as we believe such an approach will ensure close linkages and collaboration as we reach target audiences throughout the Republic.