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Article 9: The Role and Responsibilities of the Commission Secretary

9.1 The Commission Secretary is the link between the commissioners and the secretariat and is accountable to the Commission as a whole.

9.2 In addition to the responsibilities set out in Section 19 of the Kenya Law Reform Commission Act, the Commission Secretary is responsible for—

a) ensuring that the Commission functions effectively, this entails providing the Commissioners with reports, relevant Committee minutes and other background materials prior to the date of the meeting;
b) preparing and circulating minutes of the Commission meetings;
c) coordinating the induction of new Commissioners, and together with the Chairperson, developing mechanisms for providing continuous education and training for commissioners in order to improve and maintain the effectiveness of the Commission;
d) through the guidance of the Commission, develop an Annual Work Plan for the Commission and address other strategic and administrative issues;
e) providing guidance and advice the Secretariat on matters of ethics and good corporate governance; and
f) maintaining a register of disclosures of interest with respect to each Commissioner as required under section 16 of the leadership and Integrity Act.