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Article 13: Committees of the Commission

13.1 To allow for detailed analysis and consideration of complex issues and in exercise of powers conferred under section 5 of the Kenya Law Reform Commission Act, the Commission has constituted the following committees—

a) Finance and Administration;
b) Audit, Compliance and Risk Management;
c) Law Reform, Policy Formulation and Legislative Services;
d) Research, Development and Regulatory Impact Assessment; and
e) Constitutional Implementation and Governance

13.2 The Commission may from time to time constitute ad hoc committees to deal with specific matters.

13.3 Each Committee comprises a convener and a co-convener and a secretary delegated by the secretariat.

13.4 The Commissioners may subject to the communications of the Salaries and Remuneration Commission attend any Committee meeting.

13.5 The dates, times, venues and agendas of each meeting of the Committee will be notified by the secretary to the Committee to all members of the Committee.

13.6 The Committee Chairperson shall cause minutes of the Committee meetings to be maintained.

13.7 Each Committee shall have its own written sub-charter setting out roles and responsibilities, composition, structure, membership requirements and the procedural rules in which the committee is to operate.

13.8 The Committee sub-charters are to be reviewed on an annual basis and made available on the Commission website.

13.9 The Chairperson of each Committee shall report the recommendations of the Committee to the full Commission meeting for adoption.

13.10 The reports or recommendations of the Committees will be communicated to the Commission Secretary who will in turn table the same before the full Commission for adoption.

13.11 The ultimate responsibility for decisions of matters discussed at the committee level rests with the full Commission.